Unlocking new revenue opportunities with EV infrastructure.

At our recent Taking Charge event we hosted a panel, Powering Revenue: Unlocking new opportunities in EV infrastructure.

Why, because we believe that we are not just in the business of supplying and installing EV chargers, we need to make it better, so that EV Charging becomes the ‘norm’.

Normal doesn’t sound much to aim for…so what do we mean by that?

  • We mean for drivers, a regular positive experience, day-to-day, part of your routine open to all, easy to use, no hassle
  • For Charge Point Operators (CPOs), it’s about regular and regulated take up, creating charge point revenue through popularity and positive experiences.

Our panel

On this warm June afternoon, the panelists that took the heat were:

What were the key take outs?

Let’s start with the grid…

Energy and balancing supply and demand to ensure a well-managed grid is central to a good EV charge experience. Of key importance, a cohesive approach considering battery optimisation and other essential often overlooked basics, for example usage against time of day.
Forecasting market needs and educating stakeholders about energy management, selling back to the grid and a long-term approach must be an integral part of the process. With this foundation in place a CPO or Private Fleet owner, is set up to prosper, demonstrate more rapid ROI to gain investor confidence.

Commercial perspectives

Charger suitability and cost; ensuring chargers are cost-effective and strategically placed will encourage repeat business and increase your revenue generation. Sounds simple but not always considered in the race or budgets to install.
Optimising locations based on user needs (e.g., ultra rapid DC chargers for pit stops vs. lower cost AC chargers for longer stay destinations like cinemas), means that there’s reliable charging that meets delivery and cost expectations.

Enhancing the customer experience

You’re on your travels in your new EV, and you stop off at a CPO, what could make life easier?

  • Instructions on how to use the charger
  • Clear tariff information
  • Details of amenities nearby
  • Offers for money off at a nearby coffee shop
  • Or just something to keep your passengers entertained?

Next generation EV chargers are set to offer users and operators all this and more, it’s up to us to unlock this opportunity.

Whether you are looking to install a small bank of chargers or a nationwide network. New integrated touch-screen EV charge points could themselves improve both customer experience and access to customers through this interface.

With growing options such as an easy to update 32-inch colour touch screen, it gives the charge point owner opportunities to generate both relevant and timely information, whilst generating revenue, or even offsetting charger costs at the same time.

Taking Charge panel two conclusion

By focusing on these three key areas, there are growing opportunities for stakeholders to improve or unlock revenue.

A balanced, long-term approach enhances the overall user experience and grows both trust and revenue in our EV infrastructure.

To continue the conversation or discuss any of the points raised here contact us: [email protected]

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